FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
Leading Research Institute in the field of marine geology

11th conference Minerals of the Ocean

03 june 2025

11th conference Minerals of the Ocean

Location Address I.S. Gramberg VNIIOkeangeologia 1, Angliiskyi pr., St. Petersburg, Russia
Rational and environmentally friendly mineral exploration and exploitation require a close collaboration of scientific community with the industry.

The 11th International Conference "Minerals of the Ocean" focuses on discussion of latest scientific researches related to marine minerals, including hydrothermal sulfides, ferromanganese crusts and nodules, as well as engineering, environmental and legal issues of exploration and expected mining activities.

Section 1
Polymetallic massive sulphides and geology of Mid-Ocean Ridges

Section 2
Ferromanganese mineralization in the ocean

Section 3
Exploration technologies

Section 4
Economic, legal and environmental issues of deep-sea mining

Detailed information
