Kaminsky Valery
Scientific leader academician of Russian Academy of Science
Grand PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
- Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean, (VNIIOkeangeologia);
Higher education
- 2009 - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (Deep structure of the Central Arctic Basin).
- 1980 - Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, (Magnetic fields of seamounts).
- 1970 - Leningrad State University, Faculty of Geology, specialty “Geologist-geophysicist”.
Academic career
- 2003 -pres. time.: Director General (Director), FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia";
- 1991-2003: Deputy director general for scientific work, FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia";
- 1984-1991: Head of the department Methods of geophysics survey on the shelf and Ocean, FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia";
- 1970 – 1984: Researcher, Senior Researcher, FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia".
Research and development projects during the past 5 years
Development of the methods for conducting complex geophysical studies in the ice conditions of the Arctic Ocean, creating maps of the bottom relief, magnetic and gravitational fields, thickness of the earth's crust and sedimentary cover of the Arctic Ocean;
Preparation of the scientific application of the Russian Federation to substantiate the outer boundary of the continental shelf with an increase in the area of the seabed in the Arctic Ocean;
Construction of geomorphological, geophysical and geological maps of the Russian shelf for the purpose of assessment of resources and reserves of oil and gas;
Development, creation and introduction into practice of instrumental-methodical complexes for studying the parameters of bottom waters and bottom sediments, the study of individual fields of ferromanganese nodules in the Pacific Ocean, the study of manifestations of sulfide ores in the central part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge;
Creation of the theory and methodology of mathematical methods for joint analysis of the relief, magnetic and gravitational fields of seamounts in order to study their internal structure, development history, and also to perform paleomagnetic constructions in order to assess the movement of lithospheric plates.
Significant publications during the past 5 years Totally: 180 Scientific papers, 10 Monographs, 6 Geological Maps
- Glebovsky V.Yu., Kaminsky V.D., Poselov V.A., Chernykh A.A. Earth's crust thickness in the deep-sea part of the Arctic Ocean: 3D gravity modeling results // Geology and Geophysics, 2013, No. 3. P. 327-334.
- Kaminsky V.D., Poselov V.A. Geological and geophysical substantiation of the outer boundary of the continental shelf of Russia in the Arctic basin: history, status, prospects // Mining Journal, 2013, No. 11. P. 30-36.
- Kaminsky V.D., Suprunenko O.I., Chernykh A.A. Mineral resources of the Arctic continental margin of Russia and the prospects for their development // Arctic: Ecology and Economics, 2014, № 3 (15). Pp. 52-61.
- Avetisov G.P., Kaminskiy V.D., Poselov V.A. Russian Arctic Geotransects (results of geological and geophysical studies). FSUE “I.S. Gramberg VNIIOkeangeologia ”, St.Petersburg, 180 p.
- Kaminsky V.D., Suprunenko O.I. Arctic shelf: hopes and illusions // Rare Earths, 2016, No. 1. P. 58-63.
- Kaminsky V.D., Piskarev A.L., Poselov V.A. Arctic basin (geology and morphology). SPb., VNIIOkeangeologiya, 2017. 280 p.
Research Activities
- Participant of 25 expeditions (at 15 - as a scientific advisor);
- Member of Editorial Boards of Academic Journals “Arctica: ecology and economic”;
- Member of Editorial Bord of Journal “Problems of Arctic and Antarctic”;
- Member of EAGE;
- Corresponding member of RAS;
- Honored Geologist of Russia;
- Honorary Prospector (Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation)
- Honorary Polar explorer;
- Gold Medal of the Russian Geographical Society;
- Tsiolkovsky Gold medal ;
- Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree;
- Medal "300th Anniversary of the Russian Navy";
- Medal "300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg";
- Twice winner of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2002 and 2012;
- Order of Honor.