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FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"


In the period fr om September 20 to 23, 2023, the VIII International Symposium "Polar Science and Exploration" was held at the Jilin University of Changchun (People's Republic of China), which was attended by specialists of the FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologiya" headed by Deputy Director General – Head of the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of Antarctica, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Herman Leonidovich Leichenkov.

During the foreign visit, German Leichenkov met with the leadership of the Chinese University of Earth Sciences (Beijing) and Jilin University, during which the parties discussed the progress and topical issues of the Memorandum of Understanding between these organizations and VNIIOkeangeologiya, concluded in May 2023.

Cooperation within the framework of the Memorandum is aimed at the implementation of a unique joint drilling project on the glacial dome of East Antarctica with the selection of core rocks from the indigenous (subglacial) bed in January-February 2024.

The work is planned to be carried out in the northwestern part of Princess Elizabeth Land, wh ere there is a linear magnetic anomaly crossing the rift zone of the Lambert Glacier. The height of the glacier surface at the drilling point is 720 m, and the thickness of the ice is about 600 m. The results of the project will provide data on the subglacial geology of East Antarctica, and the materials will be used by the Russian and Chinese sides for further research.

Chinese specialists provide the technical component of the project, including drilling tools, and scientists of VNIIOkeangeologiya are engaged in substantiating the position of the drilling well and, together with colleagues of the Arctic and Antarctic Institute, ensure the organization of field work.
