FSBI «VNIIOkeangeologiya» holds the leading role in the discovery and study of hydrocarbon deposits on the Russian shelf (mainly on the Arctic, in analyzing the results of exploration for the study of the oil and gas shelf resources; development of the strategic planning and monitoring of licensing activities for the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Rosnedra.
The constant scientific and technical goal of the FSBI “VNIIOkeangeologia” is monitoring the state of the mineral resource base of hydrocarbons and information and analytical support for the licensing process. In accordance with the Order of Roskomnedra № 211 of 31 December 1992 “On the Scientific, Methodological and Informational Support of the Use of the subsoil of the Continental Shelf and Maritime Exclusive Zone” The Federal State Budgetary Institution “VNIIOkeangeologia” was entrusted with the functions of the leading scientific, analytical, informational and expert agency at the Russian Geological Committee in the area of subsoil use of the continental shelf and the marine exclusive economic zone of Russia. To ensure these functions, the Institute solves the problem of keeping record of licensing facilities on the shelf and preparing proposals on the procedure, terms and conditions for holding tenders for the right to use the subsurface resources of the continental shelf of Russian Federation for Rosnedra.
In FSBI «VNIIOkeangeologiya» in the framework of studying the oil and gas potential of the Arctic and the oceans the following work is being carried out:
Regional geological and geophysical works on the Priyamalsky part of the South Karelian shelf are conducted by the Marine Seismic Exploration Department.
FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
190121, Saint-Petersburg, Moika Enb., 124
Phone.: +7 (812) 713-83-79
FAX: +7 (812) 714-14-70